уторак, 31. март 2020.



Zdravo svima! Danas vam pokazujem sta je to novo na Dresslilly sajtu, ima bas lepih stvari.
Najvise su mi se dopali kupaci kostimi. 

Hello everyone! Today I'm showing you what's new on the Dresslilly website, there are really nice things. I liked swimwear the most.

Here is the new arrival:  

SWIMSUIT :   http://bit.ly/2vYNE5j

Prvi je ovaj plavi sa belim detaljima. Bas mi se dopada dezen,  prelep je. 

The first one is this blue, with white details. I really like the pattern, It's beautiful. 

Drugi je ovaj zuti sa cvetovima. Mislim da je super. Kako se vama cini? 

The other one is this yellow, with flowers. I think it's great. How do you feel?

Treci je ovaj crveno - crni, sa belim tufnama. Presladak je. 

The third one is this red-black with white tufts. I think it is so cute. 

Cetvrti je belo - plavi takodje sa cveticima. Ovaj mi se mozda najvise svidja. 

The fourth one is this white - blue, also with flowers. I think, I like this one the most. 

It's time to refresh your wardrobe! DressLily prepare the best high-quality but low-prices products for you, make you free under all occasion for Monday to Friday

 Use code:DLBF20 with 20% OFF:  

Over 10usd, save 2usd; Over 20usd, save 4usd; Over 30usd, save 6usd; Over 40usd ,save 8usd; Over 50usd, save 10usd; Over 60usd, save 12usd; Over 70usd, save 14usd; Over 80usd, save 16usd; Over 90usd, save 18usd; Over 100usd, save 20usd;Over 110usd, save 22usd; Over 120usd, save 24usd; Over 130usd, save 26usd; Over 140usd, save 28usd

Love you ♥

петак, 20. март 2020.



Verujem da su BELI ZUBI želja svakog od nas. Da li može biti i mogućnost? DA.
Uz redovno i pravilno održavanje oralne higijene, održavamo zdravlje naših zuba.
Međutim, BELINA ZUBA se uvek ne podrazumeva.

Na BELINU ZUBA utiču mnogi faktori (genetika, navike, konzumiranje velike količine kafe, zelenog čaja i sličnih napitaka), ali i još mnogo toga, na šta nekada ne možemo uticati. 

Budući da i sama konzumiram veću količinu kafe, rešila sam da isprobam HELLO SMILE OLOVKU ZA IZBELJIVANJE ZUBA, kako bih svoje zube učinila još svetlijim i lepšim. Takođe, želela sam da se uverim da li olovka zaista funkcioniše.

Ono što me odmah privuklo da izbor padne baš na ovu olovku, jeste činjenica da su njeni sastojci prirodni, a pre svega, navedeni na ambalaži. Moram da priznam da mi je to odmah ulilo sigurnost.


Koliko je vremena potrebno da Hello Smile olovka izbeli moje zube?

Primetna razlika se vidi nakon 1-4 dana, zavisno od trenutne beline Vaših zuba.
Klinički je dokazano da unapređena Hello Smile olovka ima takvo dejstvo na Vaše zube da ih može izbeliti i do osam nijansi.
Jednom izbeljeni, Vaši zubi će zadržati belinu sve dok redovno odrzavate higijenu Vaših zuba

Kako se koristi Hello Smile olovka?

Vrlo je jednostavno koristiti našu olovku.
Okrenite Hello Smile olovku na dole kako bi gel iz olovke izašao na aplikator. Prva upotreba zahteva dodatni klik kako bi se gel pojavio. Stavite Vaš osmeh na lice, usne držite sto dalje jednu od druge, zatim nanesite tanak sloj gela na sve zube. Gel će se momentalno aktivirati i početi da izbeljuje Vaše zube. Opustite usne posle 30 sekundi. Gel će se postepeno rastapati tokom delovanja. Nemojte unositi hranu i tečnost 30 minuta, nakon toga blago isperite usta. *


Pakovanje u kojem je smeštena olovka mi se izuzetno dopalo. Kutija od kartona, bele boje, sa magnetom za otvaranje i zatvaranje. Čim se kutija otvori, dobije se poruka, a na dnu i sama olovka.

JA sam olovku koristila 10 dana za redom, pridržavajući se uputstva koje su oni naveli.
Mogu da kažem da sam zaista primetila rezultate, i to odmah posle prvog korišćenja.
Kako su dani prolazili, a broj korišćenja se povećavao, zubi su mi bili svetliji, i tu razliku su primetili svi iz moje okoline. Što znači da je to ozbiljna razlika, kad je nisam primećivala samo ja, nego i svi oko mene.

Ukoliko ste se dvoumili da li da probate ovu olovku, ja bih vas savetovala da probate i da se sami uverite u kvalitet i učinak. BELI ZUBI ZA PAR MINUTA nisu kliše, zaista se odmah primeti razlika. 
Naravno, da biste videli željene rezultate, morate se pridržavati datog uputstva, ali i redovno održavati oralnu higijenu, što se naravno podrazumeva.
Nikakve neželjene reakcije nisam imala, to takođe moram da napomenem.

Recite mi, da li ste već probali ovu olovku? Ako niste, da li planirate?

HELLO SMILE - Početna strana 
HELLO SMILE - Prodavnica
HELLO SMILE - Kontakt 

субота, 7. децембар 2019.

Celebrate This Year’s Halloween with Orange Black Lolita Dress

Halloween is just around the corner and we know that it is the best excuse to look for a new
and exciting outfit to dress up on this much awaited occasion.
And if you are a big fan of dark fashion,
then what can be better than choosing a Goth Lolita outfit.
And if we talk about the Gothic trend,
it takes in all fashion practices that handle Gothic traditions. 
It is in general made in dark,
strange and historic means of making a style statement.
An ideal gothic outfit features black dress,
dark eye, black shoes, etc.
As a point of fact, the gothic fashion has been used widely earlier as Halloween dresses and they are
still extremely appropriate.    
These days, there are a lot of options available for Halloween outfits and if truth to be told you
don’t have to opt for mainly creepy dress any longer – it’s more about the excitement of getting
into the outfit.  In order to dress up best on this occasion, it is vital to wear a dress that would make
you stand out from the crowd. Preferably, it should be attention-grabbing, impressive, funny,
and at times attractive to make a statement.  But it deciding on the right Halloween outfit
that is noticeable and looks different from others can be awkward for many people.      
Halloweens, in the past, used to wear superheroes outfits such as Batman. For this year’s Halloween,
you might want to try something different wearing Orange Black Lolita Dress
believe us or not but being dressed in this outfit would for sure get you noticed in the upcoming
Halloween party.   
Magic Tea Party Halloween Pumpkin Head Printing Gothic Lolita Sling Dress
Without any question, this Orange Pumpkin Head Gothic Lolita Sling Dress is a must have for
Halloween in 2019. You can do experiment and think of styling this JSK Lolita
with basically anything and it will give you a spectacular result. 
The little orange pumpkins over the top front strap and lower part of the dress look amazing.
The fabric of this beautiful Gothic Lolita dress is cotton.
And you can easily fix and take out the waistband and bowknot.
In addition to this, it is available in three different sizes including small, medium, and large.
And there is no need to mention that the quality of this gothic dress is just wonderful and this is
the reason it is highly recommended amid all outfits for Halloween. 
Halloween Dress Add-ons for a Complete Look
Here, the reason why a lot of women have preference for this outfit is because it is a cut-sleeve dress
which can be worn with any full sleeve top or shirt. In order to have a cute look,
you can choose to pair it with Collar Classic Lolita Long Sleeve Blouse.
This inner blouse, without any doubt, goes well with this dress and gives the wearer a cute look as it
comes with an attractive button under the collar and puffy arms. However, it is also available in black
color, but the white will suit it perfectly.
And here the best thing is that the store sells it at fifty percent discount on Halloween sale 2019.       
White Lace Black Lovely Slim Lolita Knee Socks is a fantastic way to cheer up this outfit and give
look a chic edge. It is a good idea to use it to add a retro style or form a modish, encrusted look.
In addition to this, this pair of socks will look great with heels or sandals,
so pair a stylish piece with your socks to create a lovely party dress.
The fabric of this black lovely slim Lolita knee sock is cotton and so it feels nice to the wearer’s legs.
Here, the white lace on its top looks beautiful. 
This white sweet Lolita platform sandal is just perfect for adding some charm to your look.
And if you want to ground the look just try to match your hair color with it. Certainly,
Halloween Pumpkin Head Printing Gothic Lolita Sling Dress works rather great with this sandal,
and it looks cute as well. 

No matter, if you want to go to the Halloween party as simply decent girl or you are willing to add
a little happy flair to your outfit, you can try a DIY bat mask which is not so difficult to create.
According to the fashion experts, you can use water or gel eye liner to create the outline and after that
just fill it in with eye makeup in black or murky grey color. Definitely, this shade will go well with the
whole look. You can use orange color for outlining.  

Last but not least, we can say that the Gothic Lolita style slots in a variety of different elements of Halloween, and here Magic Tea Party Halloween Pumpkin Head Printing Gothic Lolita Sling Dress is best example of it. This outfit features pictures of orange pumpkins that have been especially been acknowledged to be a witch’s favourite and it also features scary grey shade in the backdrop. In addition, this pumpkin head outfit will fit in any Halloween themed party completely. And this outfit is made out of hundred-percent cotton and you can put it on with a pair of black stockings and black sandal to have a perfect Halloween look. Furthermore, it would look good with a makeup featuring lighter just like done by model in the picture or combination of brighter or dull shades like we mentioned above. Happy Halloween!

субота, 29. јун 2019.

Dresslilly Wishlist ♥

Zdravo svima! Danas vam pisem o Dresslilly listi zelja. Izdvojila sam neke stvari koje su mi privukle paznju.

- Hello everyone! Today I write to you about Dresslilly website. I outlined some of the things that attracted me.

Prva stvar je ova crvena haljina. U pitanju je elegantna haljina, svidja mi se sto je bas crvena. Nije skupa, kosta svega 13 dolara. 

- The first thing is this red dress. It's a stylish dress, I like that it's basically a red color. It's not expensive, it costs only $ 13.


Druga haljina je denim, sa cvetnim motivima. Bas moderan model. 
- The other dress is denim, with floral motifs. A modern model.

Treca haljina je najlepsa, plava. Najelegantnija, obavezno cu je kupiti.
-The third dress is the most beautiful, blue. The most elegant, I will definitely buy it.

Cetvrta stvar je ova suknja. U pitanju je elegantan model. Malo neobicna, ali prelepa.
-The fourth thing is this skirt. It's an elegant model. A little unusual, but beautiful.

Poslednja stvar je ova kozna jakna. Vec sam kupovala jakne sa ovog sajta, i traju mi preko dve godine. Kvalitet je zagarantovan.
-The last thing is this leather jacket. I've already bought jackets from this site, and last for over two years. Quality is guaranteed.

I da, jos dve stvari moram da vam preporucim. Prva od njih je ovaj cistac za lice, odlican je i efikasan. Druga stvar su ove cetkice koje su nama devojke uvek potrebne. 
-And yes, I have two more things to recommend. The first one is this face cleaner, it's excellent and efficient. The second thing is that these brushes that girls always need.

There will be a 20% discount Coupon Code:  DLGO20
($30-$6,$50-$10, $80-$16, $100-$20, $150-$30, $200-$40, $300-$60)

Farmasi VFX PRO Camera Ready tečni puder - RECENZIJA

Zdravo svima, danas sam tu za vas sa recenzijom jednog pudera koji testiram već duže vreme.
U pitanju je Farmasi VFX PRO Camera Ready tečni puder.

Ako me pratite neko vreme, znate da obožavam Farmasi šminku, pa ništa manje ni od ovog pudera nisam očekivala.

Puder dolazi u staklenoj bočici, sa plastičnim dozerom. Iz dozera izlazi idealna količina proizvoda, pa je za moje potrebe potrebno dva pritiska.

Nijansa koju ja imam je 1 vanila, i u pitanju je nijansa sa toplim, da ne kažem žutim podtonom.
Za moj ten je malo tamnija, ali mislim da će mi za leto više odgovarati.

Miris pudera je prisutan, ali, po mom mišljenju skroz lep. Ako ste imali prilike da pomirišete njihove CC i BB kremu, miris će vam biti poznat.
Meni ne smeta, čak mi se i sviđa.

Tekstura pudera je gusta, ali ne previše, da ne može da se razmaže. 
Samim tim, prekrivna moć mu je odlična, skoro puna.
Sa druge strane, jako je lagan na koži, kao da nanosite kremu za lice.

Puder se lepo razmazuje, i podjednako mi se lepo nanosi i sunđerom i četkom.
Ipak, moja navika je da svaki puder prvo nanesem četkom, a zatim pređem sunđerom.

Nisam imala nikakvih problema sa njim, i nije mi izazvao nikakve neželjene reakcije na koži.

Njegova cena je oko 900 dinara u Farmasi katalogu, ali ga možete nabaviti i za manje novca, ako pratite sniženja u katalogu.

Devojka od koje sam ja nabavila ovaj puder je @jovanasdacic , njoj se mozete obratiti ako vas interesuje nesto od Farmasi kozmetike.
Devojka je proverena, pouzdana i ljubazna, necete imati nikakvih problema sa njom.

Takodje, pratite moj YouTube kanal, snimacu i video recenziju ovog pudera. ♥ 

петак, 26. април 2019.


Zdravo svima! Danas vam pokazujem stvari sa sajta Dresslilly koje su mi privukle paznju.
Dugo nisam kupovala sa ovog sajta, pa sad ima dosta novih stvari.
Ja vam danas predstavljam top 5 najlepsih torbi sa ovog sajta. 

-Hello everyone! Today I am showing to you things from the Dresslilly site that attracted me attention. I did not buy from this site for a long time, so now there are a lot of new things. Today I present to you the top 5 most beautiful bags from this site.

Prva torba je ova crvena sa zmijskim printom na sebi. U pitanju je torba srednje velicine. Elegantna i lepa, svidja mi se.

-The first bag is this red with a snake print on it. It's a medium-sized bag. Elegant and beautiful, I like it.

Druga torba je ova u svetlo braon boji. Jednostavna, a vrlo efektna torba. Lako bi se kombinovala. 

The other bag is this in light brown color. Simple but very efective bag.  It would be easy to combine.

Treca torba je takodje crvena. Malo manja od prethodne. 

The third bag is also red, but a little bit smaller than first.

Cetvrta torba je maslinasto zelena. Mala ali prelepa. 

The fourth bag is olive green. Little or beautiful.

Peta torba je univerzalna i moze da se kombinuje uz sve. Mozda mi se ona i najvise svidja. 

The fifth bag is universal and can be combined with everything. Maybe she likes me the most.

It's time to refresh your wardrobe! DressLily prepare the best high-quality but low-prices products for you, make you free under all occasion for Monday to Friday

Use code:DLBF20 with 20% OFF:  

Over 10usd, save 2usd; Over 20usd, save 4usd; Over 30usd, save 6usd; Over 40usd ,save 8usd; Over 50usd, save 10usd; Over 60usd, save 12usd; Over 70usd, save 14usd; Over 80usd, save 16usd; Over 90usd, save 18usd; Over 100usd, save 20usd;Over 110usd, save 22usd; Over 120usd, save 24usd; Over 130usd, save 26usd; Over 140usd, save 28usd