среда, 18. април 2018.


Cipele, torbe, novcanici, naocare? Ipak ne, jer se u trenerci osecam najudobnije. 

Trenerka je kupljena na sajtu ROSEGAL u velicini M.
Velicina je taman kako meni treba, kao da je krojena za mene. 

Trenerka je svetlo roze-breskva boje koja ce biti savrsena za suncane i tople prolecne dane.
Trenerka je dugih rukava, medjutim, nije nimalo debela, vec je bas prijatna i lagana za nosenje, a materijal od kog je napravljena je slican svili.

Kada sam ja kupovala sa sajta, videla sam da postoji i crna, ali je mene ova roze boja kupila za sva vremena.
Lako se moze kombinovati. Uklapa se uz svake patike, a meni se najvise svidja kako se kombinuje sa belim. 
Da li vi porucujete sa ROSEGAL sajta i kakva su vasa iskustva? ♥

Shoes, bags, wallets, glasses? Still, not because I feel the most comfortable in the tracksuits.

Tracksuit was bought on the ROSEGAL website in the size of M.
The size is as fine as I need, as if it was tailored for me.

The tracksuit is a light pink-peach color that will be perfect for sunny and warm spring days.
The tracksuit is long sleeves, however, it is not at all thick, but it is very pleasant and easy to carry, and the material from which it is made is similar to silk.

When I bought from the site, I saw that there was a black one, but this pink color bought me for all time.
Easy to combine. It fits with every sneakers, and I like the way it is combined with the white one.

Are you referring to ROSEGAL site and what are your experiences? ♥

3 коментара:

  1. Super post.
    Mnogo mi se sviđa ta trenerka, baš je nekako sve u proljećnom raspoloženju, onako sva sjajna i roze; i btw super ti stoji.

    Visit my blog, Amaterska Umjetnost ♡

  2. Imam identičnu trenerku i mnogo je volim, ali iskreno još je nisam nosila, ali je definitivno nešto drugačije :D

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